Institute of Insurance Economics
der University of St. Gallen (I.VW St. Gallen)
The Institute of Insurance Economics of the University of St. Gallen is an internationally active research, training and consulting institute. As a part of the University of St. Gallen it promotes the dialogue between science, practice and politics. The institute has also gained a reputation for independent and innovative Customer Value research.
Prof. Dr. Peter Maas
Member of the Executive Board of the Institute of Insurance Economics and Management Professor at the University of St. Gallen/Switzerland.
Prof. Dr. Maas has published more than 100 scientific publications on Customer Value and topics such as Integrated Service Management and Strategies in the Financial Services Sector. In 2008 he received the Best Paper Award by the JfB Journal für Betriebswirtschaft. Prof. Dr. Maas is a speaker at numerous international top management in-house seminars and open enrolments.
ServiceValue GmbH
The analysis and consulting company ServiceValue has specialized in assessing the interrelations between companies and their customers, employees and partners. A special focus is on generating business service indicators and optimizing performance.
Dr. Claus Dethloff
Managing Director of ServiceValue GmbH
Dr. Dethloff has worked on the psychological implications and the analysis of service quality and customer orientation for many years.
During his academic and professional career he has audited numerous companies and industries and has advised them with regard to strategic and operative service excellence.